DEEP Christ
Exploring the Terrain of Mythic Imagination
Online Intensive | November 1, 3, 5
You darkness from which I come,

I love you more than all the fires

that fence out the world,

for the fire makes a circle

for everyone

so that no one sees you anymore.

But darkness holds it all:

the shape and the flame,

the animal and myself,

O how it holds them,

all powers, all sight —
and it is possible: its great energy

is breaking into my body.
I have faith in the night.
"Exploring the Terrain of Mythic Imagination " Online Intensive | November 1st, 3rd & 5th
Three online days (Mountain Timezone):
Wednesday (1st) 9:00 am - 2 pm MT
Friday (3rd) 9:00 am - 2 pm MT
Sunday (5th) 1 pm - 3 pm MT
[Thursdays and Saturdays will be asynchronous solo wanders and practices on your own time.]
- Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by David Whyte
Deep in the dream-realm of myth and poetic imagination lies visionary treasure waiting to be uncovered.
We are all born to encounter "treasure hidden in the field". For mystics like Jesus, this "kingdom" is an imaginal realm of visionary consciousness and energetic power, a tidal threshold between worlds from which the culture itself could be regenerated and the world renewed. Many indigenous streams flowing from ancient animistic origins, including the Celtic, Hebrew, and many other Earth-based traditions, offer us pieces of a 'map' delineating this mysterious realm and techniques of travel through trance, sound and movement traversed throughout the ages by saints, mystics, poets and shamans--pathways available for us today.
The "Deep Christ: Exploring the Terrain of Mythic Imagination" online module is a five-day experiential course that invites participants on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. Each day is dedicated to a distinct theme, guiding participants through a process of descent into the realm of the underworld and the deep imagination, where they will unravel their preconceived notions of self and the world. Through encounters with their unique soul-image, participants will uncover their deepest sense of belonging and vision, planting the seeds of visionary imagination in the psycho-ecological ground. Deep Christ represents the primordial root system of visionary imagination that underlies religious symbols and archetypes. Throughout this intensive, we will explore the archetypes of initiation and transformation, the mysteries of creation myths, descent into the underworld, and the divine kingdom, guiding participants in exploring the mythic terrain of the deep imagination.
Wednesday: Descent into the Imaginal Realm
Participants will embark on a journey of descent into the depths of their own psyche, guided by ancient myths and archetypal symbolism.
Through guided meditation and inner exploration, participants will begin to unravel their preconceived notions of self and the world.
The day will culminate in a reflective exercise, encouraging participants to contemplate the hidden truths within themselves.
Friday: The Mysteries of the Kin-dom
Participants will delve deeper into the exploration of the deep imagination, the key to their innermost sense of belonging and vision.
Using creative and kinesthetic exercises, participants will engage with their soul-image, allowing it to emerge in various forms such as art, movement, or written expression.
This day will foster a profound connection with one's inner world and provide a glimpse of the visionary imagination.
Sunday: Planting Seeds of Visionary Imagination
Building on the insights gained in the previous days, participants will learn how to cultivate and nurture their visionary imagination.
They will explore practical tools and practices for integrating the mystical life into their daily existence and vocation.
The day will conclude with a collective exercise where participants can share their personal myths and visions, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
Potential Program Outcomes:
Gain a deeper understanding of myths, scripture, archetypes and the deep imagination.
Begin a process of unraveling preconceived notions of self and the world.
Develop a greater capacity for self-reflection and heart-centered sharing.
Cultivate a profound connection with the soul's language and images.
Learn various creative and kinesthetic practices that can enhance your own group work and vocation.
Experience a deeper sense of belonging and inner vision.
Acquire practices and tools for integrating mystical experiences into daily life.
Explore trance states and practices to connect with the mythic imagination.
Foster a sense of authentic community and shared purpose with fellow participants.
Align more deeply with your calling through a profound connection to Earth.
November 1, 3, 5th: "Exploring the Terrain of Mythic Imagination" includes:
A five-day intensive including three guided online days with the cohort (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) and two full asynchronous days for solo-wandering on the land and practices on your own)
Access to pre-recorded seedings & downloadable practices.
Recommended readings for further study
A one-on-one follow-up mentoring session with your guide after the intensive.
Practices we will explore:
Dreamwork in the morning sessions
Sacred Art, Poetry & Journaling
Movement & Embodiment Practices
Deep Imaginal Journeys
Working with Mytho-scapes
Guided group processes including the Way of Council and Art of Mirroring (adapted from Animas Valley Institute).
Consciousness-shifting practices & invitations to solo wanders on the land for deep reconnection.